All tagged mindset

The Power of Resilience

Resilience helps us succeed when circumstances aren’t in our favor. It allows us to “keep the faith” and carry on despite set-backs. It provides the motivation to persevere and succeed no matter what. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from defeat and continue striving. So, what is the secret ingredient behind resilience that makes it so powerful?

Critical Self-Chatter and How to Manage It

Negative self-talk is biological. It’s part of the human experience. That critical voice inside your head is actually healthy. It generates the initial anxiety within us to activate our stress response to help us take quick action and adapt in critical situations. The problem is when we allow that critical voice to chime in for too long, prolonging the anxiety we feel and allowing those thoughts to hold us back. The good news is that there are things we can do about it. Start by trying methods you’ll find here and see what works for you.

Let’s Stop Stressing Out Over Stress

Stress is a normal and inevitable part of life. Yet we often allow it to unduly weigh on us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Chronic stress, in particular, can have severe effects on our overall health and well-being. It is, of course, not possible to remove all stress from our lives. (Studies have actually found that trying to do so actually makes us more stressed!) But we absolutely can learn to understand stress, work to lessen the negative effects we experience from it, and even harness stress in positive ways.